Monday, January 29, 2007

Just Kidding!!

We have babies!! Lovely #6 (aka "Puff") birthed a lovely set of twins today. A little buckling with Boer colouring (aka "Ned") and a pure white doeling (aka "Nancy"). Puff did a great job, having them in the shelter full of clean straw, licked them dry and let them nurse right away. They are hardy little kids, wrangling for a teat before they could even stand. Phew, what a great start to our new kidding adventure.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Tam, Great! At last, they are so cute! How do the goat coats fit? Hope they come before it gets cold again. Gosh kids are sooooooo cute! Boy and a girl, that is nice, by about the 20th....pair it will be old hat!
Good luck.